Get stuff done.

(The easy way.)

Book a done-in-a-day service with a senior copywriter and let’s get your key strategic initiatives off the ground.

You are already doing SO MUCH in (and for) your business…
What if you didn’t have to do it all YOURSELF?

✅ Wave buh-bye to your never-ending to-do list. 👋
(Take that, ClickUp.)

✅ Get eyes (and hands) on projects making you cross-eyed.
(It’s okay to let go, little octopus.)

✅ Finally launch strategic initiatives you haven’t had the time for. (Yessss queen!)

You’ve done pretty well doing things solo.

You’ve got your sh*t together for clients and you’ve made it pretty far in this business thing on your own as a result.

…but you know that there’s so much more of where that came from.

You have SO many ideas knocking on your brain, but there’s only so many times you can tell them to SHUSH so you can focus.

Because when it comes to your own business, it’s easier to put projects into Clickup than it is to find the time to get them done. 

So the story at the end of every quarter is the same: you find yourself sorting through your “Goals” folder and imagining how far you’d be if you’d just gotten that email sequence up and running. 

Stings a little bit, right?

And that’s not the only thing bugging you about the back-end these days.

You have projects you wish you could get a little bit of help with… heavy on the “little” because you don’t really need THAT much help — just a little to bring it home. 

You don’t really wanna hire someone for that one-off project you want extra eyes on. Sure, you could hire junior writers and offload client work or those random projects that you wish you could get a bit of help with, but that requires time to train someone  — something that you already don’t have a lot of. 

So in the end, you focus on what’s going to pay the bills most immediately, and find that you’re missing out on the key things that you know will push you to (and beyond) that $250k mark. 

Sure you could shoot lower and stay in your comfort zone…

…but you and I both know that you are made for more.

Raise your hand if you…

  • Want to scale your business… but have loved flying (mostly) solo.

  • Enjoy the client work… but hope to get off the treadmill eventually. 🥵

  • Obviously like to give back to the community… but don’t really want to hand hold junior writers through high-level projects.

  • Have a tight connection with your clients… and don’t really trust anyone else to do their copy.

  • Know you can go further… but don’t have the brain space you need to focus on big picture projects.

You already see yourself as a business owner — but you’re ready to start thinking about what’s next. 

PSA: You can’t grow your own business when you’re tangled in the weeds.

When you hit this stage in business, most coaches will tell you it’s time to start bringing on junior writers.

And while the agency model * SOUNDS * cool — you know the reality means trading your time for managing people and processes.

Truthfully? You’d rather be chilling on a beach in Bali (or on your patio with a fresh mint mojito) than managing employees or subcontractors. 

On the other hand, maybe you've accidentally built an agency model, but are determined to keep things streamlined for your sanity. You dont want 20+ freelancers to manage, but instead a reliable go-to helping you deliver.

You’re open to delegating (you’re probably doing it already). But your needs are a little different than most, and you’re not quite sure how to keep going in a way that makes sense for you.

What you really want is 2 of you.

While I appreciate a good sci-fi, I’m not * actually * an evil genius, so I can’t clone you (or myself, for that matter).

But I CAN give you the support you need to get to the sh*t you wish you could get help with.

Because the solution’s actually simpler than you think.

Real talk: the easiest way to scale without endless feedback rounds or junior writers is to offload your internal projects to a senior copywriter instead.

Instead of getting a PhD in Clickup or Asana admin rights, you can finally get your big-idea initiatives off the ground without letting go of the connection you have with clients.

The result? You can scale the parts of your business that are actually *scalable* — not just create a bigger treadmill that fits more people.

You could stress about your next steps… Or basically clone yourself (minus the evil scientist bit).

In a single day, I can help you clear out some of those high-value copy tasks that have been side-eyeing you from your to-do list.

By the end of the day, we’ll have turned your half-baked idea into the real, tangible copy you need to actually *launch* the dang thing.

Get a senior copywriter to help you with high-level projects.

Focus on the big-picture strategy. I’ll help with the nitty-gritty details.

Whether you need help with a blank page or have a sh*tty first draft that needs some zhuzhing, I’m here to help you get it done and out into the world.

While this might sound like a one-and-done situation, it’s far from it — I tend to stick around.

My favorite clients love that I don’t just show up for the day and dip — because true collaboration is so much more than that. I get to know you. I get invested in your biz. More than anything, I want to see YOU and your business succeed. (Sorry not sorry — I’m all for the sappy stuff.) And I’ll do anything I can to help you make it happen.

Here’s how it works…

Step 1: Check the vibe.

Apply and tell me about what kinds of projects you want off your desk. If it’s a good fit, we’ll hop in to Voxer to talk about the details. (Aaaaand we’ll also double check that we feel warm fuzzies about each other.)

Step 2: Homework.

If you’re anything like me, your inner Hermione just did a little excited squirm and checked around for a freshly blank notebook to sniff the pages. If not, sorry not sorry. 🙃 Homework has to happen to make sure we’re at a good starting point by the time we’re ready to rock.

Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy. → Contract, invoice, and a questionnaire that’s more fun to fill out than others you’ve filled out in the past or a simple conversation via Voxer to hash out project deets.

Step 2.5 [IF NEEDED]: Strategy call.

1-2 weeks before our date, we’ll meet to plot out the strategy for the DIAD . This is your chance to tell me all about your business, your goals, and your audience — so I can pump out copy or strategy on the day itself.

Step 4: Get busy.

On the day itself I’ll spend four hours in airplane mode focused on your business. During that time I can crush an email sequence, a sales page strategy complete with prompts for easy fill-in, a website zhush, or whatever else you need.

Step 5: Boom, baby.

At the end of the day I’ll send over a Loom video debrief plus all the files I’ve created. You can finally mark that task as “done” in Clickup (and on time, at that!).

Investment: $1495

Done-in-a-day’s start at $1495. You’ll pay for the day up front, then never worry about the invoice again. (Because your brain’s already on overload.)

If you’re a copywriter who wants to scale without a bloated team… this is the service for you.

Hey hey. I’m Dianna. I’m a copywriter for copywriters (meta, I know).

I started my business because I realized I *love* working with other copywriters — and that like everybody else, copywriters tend to dive head-first into client work and forget about their own marketing.

Not only that, but often they find themselves randomly wishing they had a business partner — but without the strings.

That’s why I created the Word Nerd Intensive — I want to help you get those brilliant ideas out of your head and into the world, without having to do it all yourself or bite your nails when you hand it off to a junior copywriter.

I want to help you get stuff done. And I want it done grease-lightning fast.

“I never want to work on another big copy project on my own again…

It is always such a relief to hand over my good-but-not-great drafts into Dianna's capable hands and know I'm going to get something back that is out-of-this-world amazing. Also, just being able to talk through ideas with her and pick her brain was unbelievably valuable. As a person who spends most days writing alone in an office, being able to collaborate with someone this brilliant is priceless." 

— Hillary Gale, Freelance copywriter

You can see your next goal — now let me help you get there. 

4 hours might not sound like a lot. But when you get my hyper-focused brain on your business, you might be surprised at what we can accomplish. 

It’s a great fit if you need:

✅ 6-8 emails for a launch

✅ Strategy + prompts for a sales page

✅ Copy for 6-8 social media posts

✅ Someone to bring your SFD across the finish line

✅ Eyes on your half done website copy to bring it home

✅ 1-2 Full pages of website copy

 In a word: it’s easy.

Get some momentum back (without breaking a sweat).

You’ve got what it takes to hit the next level of business — and it’s time to stop sacrificing your growth with projects that never leave your to-do list.

Stop being your own bottleneck, prioritize your growth, and bring in a senior copywriter to help share the load.

Just click the button below to get started.

Dianna’s VIP day was a life saver when I had several pages of copy to write and a looming deadline. I sent her a few rough drafts, and she helped me pull them across the finish line, fast. She latched onto a super technical concept quickly and was able to match the brand voice without a hitch. Absolutely hire her — or I’ll gobble up all of her time.

—Grace Baldwin, B2B SaaS Brand Messaging Strategist