It’s time you felt more in control of your growth.

Get the support you need to dream even bigger.

 Put your energy back into that project scratching the back of your brain. 🧠

🤩Create that course currently floating around on a sticky note

🚀Launch digital products you know are gonna kill it

💃Start pitching podcasts… and then start your own

You already know that when you delegate, you create more space to conquer those goals that keep growing bigger than you ever thought they would.

Hey hey hey! I’m Dianna, Copywriter for Copywriters.

I can tell we’re gonna be tight, so you can call me D.

First thing’s first: I’m a HUGE book nerd. 🤓 And you, my friend, are a nerd just like me. (But you’ve got your own little nerdy thing going on. Hint: it’s your business.

Aside from my unhealthy addiction to purchasing too many books at once (*squeals in delight*) my other nerd-dom is all about people.

Specifically? Big dreamers. 

You get it. Visionaries are the coolest. We have the most interesting stories, the cleverest commentary, and the best personalities. *toots horn enthusiastically*

But after all those hours pumped into running your business…

How much time do you have to spend marketing your business?

My guess? Not much.

You need as-needed support to bolster the team you’ve been cultivating.

You’ve already started outsourcing support.

Maybe you’ve even built a kick-butt team that’s at your beckon call. So while you really love the team you’ve hand selected, you know that there’s still some missing pieces… you just don’t want (or need) to hire someone full time.

You need someone you can lean on as needed. A senior copywriter, and a content and website nerd, specifically.

(Oh heyyyy!)


Raise your hand if you:

👋 Are ready to stop limiting your business growth, and you can’t do it with what you have now.

👋 Feel like outsourcing may be the right course of action, but don’t know where to start.

👋 Love the team you’ve built but need someone who can give you fresh eyes and an unbiased perspective

And that, my friend, is where I come in.