Show up consistently. (The easy way.)

Turn your big ideas into lead-generating content.

If someone mentions posting blogs or social media do you…

✅ Change the subject?

✅ Run in the opposite direction?

✅ Calmly but confidently reach forward and
put your hand on their face to shush them?


You may get a cringey gut feeling that’s half guilt and half begging someone to say:

“It’s okay! You don’t have to use content in your funnel!”

…but you know deep down you should probably do it anyway.

You’re right. You should.

And you’ve admitted to yourself and your virtual biz pals on more than one occasion that content marketing is something you need to do.

Sucks, doesn’t it?

You’ve got an elephant on your to-do list no matter what folder it’s shoved under in your Google Docs.

And every time you tell yourself you’re going to start content marketing, some other task always takes priority.

Word of mouth and connections may have gotten you this far, but they’re not what’s going to take you to that elusive (and annoyingly trendy but no less desirable) Next Level. 

Because you can’t sell to people who don’t know you exist. 🙃

Sound familiar?

  • You like posting on socials… when you’re in the mood. But posting consistently long term? Not really your thing. (Randomly throwing something cool up on your stories doesn’t count.) 

  • You’ve dabbled in your own blogs but you quickly lost steam after just one or two. (Can someone please explain why it takes SO LONG to write blogs?) 

  • You have half-written blogs that are a couple of years old gathering virtual dust somewhere in the depths of your Google Drive. (Ew, David.)

  • Consistency feels like such a draaaaag, and folding laundry is easier some days so you do that instead. (Or ya know, move it to different spots around the house fully intending to fold it.)

  • Maybe you even SELL content packages to clients, but it's very much "do as I say, not as I do." (Um… same.)

  • You find yourself thinking of cool topics and jotting down ideas without any follow-through. When you DO follow through, you don’t get much traction because it’s always one and done. (Been there.)

I know. I just totally read your mind.

There’s an organic content-shaped gap in your funnel.

And you’re losing out on pulling in leads and nurturing the ones you have because of it.

Organic content is the perfect place to start your marketing, before or instead of playing the ads game. Plus, ads are only as good as the content you have to support them.

These days, the thought of sitting down to write your own blog seems laughable.

You’re too busy being the Big Boss, for one. And you’d much rather be writing launch copy. Or crafting up funnels. Or hopping on coaching calls.

Or let’s be real — doing *literally* anything else. 

The problem isn’t ideation.

You’ve got ideas — lots of them.

But you don’t want to post content just to post content. (Um, yeah, please don’t waste your time on that.)

And you don’t want to give up complete control over it and hand it off to someone who isn’t you.

What if you could have a content management system in place that told you exactly when and what to post…

AND you knew that each piece of content was intentionally crafted to fill your funnel with qualified leads?

You’re going places, and you know content will help you get there. But you’re caught in the weeds being the badass CEO that you are. 

Good news, friend. Now you can be the boss your business (and your team) needs you to be AND check this off your quarterly goals at the same time. 

Let me come up with a strategic content marketing plan based on your big ideas, so you can grow your authority without stressing about what to say. It’s Content: Paint by numbers and personalized to your goals. 

Sound pretty sweet? It is. 💃

With this service, I take your high-level ideas and craft a specific strategy complete with SEO-rich keywords that are more targeted than Chat GPT can provide.

How? Everyone is about the power of AI these days, but I also dig into who you are as a person, your brand's overall mission, and your competitor analysis. This isn't spitting out something generic, but building a traffic-driving content strategy specific to you.

So how does it work?

Well step on in, partner, and I’ll tell you.

Step 1: Check the vibe.

There’s no point moving forward if we’re not a good fit. Let’s nerd out for a few minutes to make sure we feel warm fuzzies about each other.

Step 2: Homework.

If you’re anything like me, your inner Hermione just did a little excited squirm and checked around for a freshly blank notebook to sniff the pages. If not, sorry not sorry. 🙃 Homework has to happen to make sure we’re at a good starting point by the time we’re ready to rock.

Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy. → Contract, invoice, and a questionnaire that’s more fun to fill out than others you’ve filled out in the past.

Step 3: Strategy call.

Once all the homework is done you’ll receive a link to officially get started with a strategy call. This is the fun part! (Apart from getting an A+ in your homework, obviously.) We’ll deep dive into your monthly, quarterly, and even yearly goals.

Step 4: Get busy.

You focus on your CEO stuff, and leave the content to me. I get to work: digging into competitors, your VOC, your goals, keyword research, and blending all those things together to map out a content strategy specifically curated for you.

Step 5: Submission and tweaks.

You’ll receive a breakdown of your competitor analysis, SEO keyword research, and content strategy. You have 1 week to review and we’ll make any necessary changes.

Step 6: Become a content creating machine.

Included in this process is an action plan so once you have your strategy in place, you get to take it and run with it. Build your empire. Inspire your people. Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight… with content on lock.

👉(Need all your content DFY? Keep reading.)

The Integrator Retainer starts with strategy.

What’s included in strategy?

Investment: Starting at $3,585 per quarter

Strategy is all you need if:

  • You just want to show up and do stuff you like and not worry about the details because following through on deets is not happening.

  • You don’t have time to do proper research. You need someone to do the nitty gritty planning so you can do what you’re good at — writing, getting in that flow, and busting out some creative genius.

Sound like you?

Creating content doesn’t have to be a time suck.

Skip the part where you get excited, write half a draft of a piece content, then lose steam on the idea. Nobody wants that to happen. If you want to take content off your plate completely, I can help with writing, too.

Optional Add-on to Strategy:
DFY Copy Creation

With DFY Copy Creation, you get the above strategy, but instead of worrying about the details or setting it aside for “later,” I take your brain dump for your content channel of choice and craft your content and make it nice and shiny for your audience. 

You love nerding out on the sh*t that makes you YOU. You spill your brain dump on me and I create strategic content with your funnel, target audience, and goals in mind.

This is a collaborative process that most people find super easy, and can be tailored to your preferred communication style. It’s all about us getting into a solid flow so you can have your hands in all the places without actually doing the heavy lifting.

It’s YOUR content with the least amount of effort.

What’s included?

All the above strategy PLUS:

  • Rewritten brain dumps complete with on-brand voice, keyword integration, and ideal client-targeted language in as many channels as you’d like.

  • 1 Round of edits. Refined and ready for publishing without the hemming and hawing.

Blog packages start at $1200 per month

Social media packages start at $800 per month

Email packages start at $600 per month

This is exactly what you need if you want to be involved in the process, but wish you didn’t need to write EVERY little word from start to finish.

This is not for you if:

📌 You want to be 100% hands off.

Hey, no sweat! I find projects like this work best in collaboration mode, so if you don’t want to do anything and simply want content without you lifting a finger, this ain’t your thang. 

📌 You don’t have a funnel that converts.

The strategy and content we create together is purposeful—we want to fill/nurture your funnel. Without an established funnel, your content would be floating around willy nilly. It might be pretty, but it sure would be a waste of our time. It’s okay if you need this to FILL your funnel, but there needs to be a funnel in place that works.

📌 You need new brand messaging.

If you’re not sure what makes you unique or what your message is, get that nailed down before we focus on content. (What’s the point of content that doesn’t align with who you want to be/where you want your business to go?) 

Stop beating yourself up for not focusing on your own marketing.

Jill did. Jill is smart. She stopped squirrel braining all over the place and instead got serious. Seriously intentional and successful. 

“Some words that describe Dianna: Trustworthy, motivated, talented, critical thinker, funny AF.

She’s the right-hand gal/work wife who keeps my visionary brain on track producing good content consistently for my brand… Not just clients. I’m constantly pulled in different directions: Managing projects, chiefing client copy, driving sales. Dianna makes sure that my content is consistent and high-quality just like the client work we do. There’s no more “do as I say, not as I do.”

She has made such a massive impact on my business. Together, we’ve increased the website traffic through organic content that perfectly compliments my other marketing efforts. She’s eliminated so much of the detail-oriented work from my plate, so I can focus on what I do best. I don’t have to worry about anything because not only are the results 💯 but the processes we follow together constantly show me she’s got this under control.

All this to say… Please don’t hire Dianna—I want her all to myself.

— Jill Wise, Brand and Marketing Strategist,
Conversion Copywriter, and Business Coach

Be like Jill. ☝️