You don’t have to become an agency to scale your copywriting biz…

But you do need (the right) help.


STOP acting like an octopus. 🐙


You don’t have 8 hands to put in every pot.

On top of client work, hiring a VA, investing time and energy into education and networking… somehow you’re still expected to have time to create your content, show up consistently, and keep increasing your bottom line?

Let go, little non-octopus, and give yourself a leg (tentacle) up.


Hi, I’m Dianna.

content marketing strategist + copywriter for copywriters + Self-proclaimed Book nerd

All those entrepreneurial “shoulds” are *garbage.* You deserve the freedom to run a business (and scale that business) in a way that aligns with your values and vision. 💃

And I’m here to help make it happen.

Apart from cracking open a brand new book to smell the printed pages, my raison d’etre is to help you grow your copywriting biz the way you want. 

You’re ready to grow your own way. But that means finding someone who…

🔥 meets your standards

🔥 submits high-quality deliverables

🔥 works with integrity

There are plenty of qualified people out there. The important thing is finding the right one. 

Also — personality and vibe? *Kind of * important. Don’t worry, I’m not as flaky as Pheobe or as neurotic as Monica (but I can’t promise to hold back the woo or stop reorganizing my bookshelves).


Stop making things harder than they need to be.

Pop open a bottle, grab your comfy socks, and settle on the sofa with your current read.

Because that endless checklist? It’s done.


Caught in a cycle of overthinking?

Outsourcing doesn’t have to be complicated.

Which do you need help with the most? (Be honest.)

“Patting myself on the back for being the genius who hired Dianna to write my case study. I spent 6 months with the idea in my head and research in my computer, knowing I was sitting on a valuable piece of content for my OWN business.

Finally, enough was enough and I contacted Dianna to bring my idea to life... She took my scattered ideas and created a crown-jewel piece of copy that I'm so excited to share. I never would have gotten it done without her!”

-Jenny Gill, Copywriter for OTs


You’re too busy to keep
doing everything.

(As much as you’d like to convince the world otherwise.)

You need someone who…


✔ can sound like you (or your client)
✔ delivers sh*t on time
✔ feels like part of your team
✔ doesn’t make you feel like you’re settling


And I’m here to deliver.

Frankly, my dear, I do give a damn. But it’s okay if you need more info — I’m picky af, too. 💁‍♀️

Check the vibe. 👇